Spokane County Commissioner Mary Kuney was selected during the 2022 County Leaders Conference to serve as President of the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC). Since joining the Spokane County Board of County Commissioners in 2017, Commissioner Kuney has been an active member of WSAC. Her ability to work collaboratively with her colleagues, understand urban and rural issues, and listen to the challenges counties are facing has allowed her to build strong relationships with her fellow county commissioners, county councilmembers, and county executives throughout Washington State.

The 2022 County Leaders Conference saw nearly 300 county elected and appointed officials from all 39 counties gather this week in King County to discuss the myriad policy and operational issues facing counties statewide. Topics included growth management and land use, public and behavioral health, public safety, affordable housing, homelessness, cybersecurity, recruitment and retention of employees, transportation, solid waste and recycling, cannabis, broadband, and more.

A particular emphasis throughout the County Leaders Conference was understanding the role county elected and appointed officials can have in bridging the divide in polarized communities. Commissioner Kuney noted to conference attendees that, “[I]t is so important to create opportunities for those with diverse views in our communities to come together to have respectful and civil dialogue. It is incumbent on all of us to restore civility and to build strong community-based solutions on the challenging issues facing our communities.”

Also elected to join President Kuney on the WSAC leadership team were:

  • 1st Vice President, Skagit County Commissioner, Lisa Janicki;
  • 2nd Vice President, Lincoln County Commissioner, Rob Coffman; and
  • Immediate Past President, San Juan County Councilmember, Jamie Stephens

Upon being sworn in as the 116th President of WSAC, Commissioner Kuney spoke to her colleagues about her theme saying, “Together Forward is our path ahead, whether in our local communities or alongside one another as advocates for the well-being of our entire state. It is my honor to be elected to lead this great association for the next year.” Commissioner Kuney also stressed how important it is that WSAC “partner and collaborate” with all counties and other partner organizations to assure we address the important issues facing our 39 counties and the state of Washington.

For more information, please contact Eric Johnson, Executive Director, Washington State Association of Counties, at 360-481-2241.


Who We Are – Washington State Association of Counties

Created in 1906, the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) is a voluntary, non-profit association serving Washington’s 39 counties. WSAC members include elected county commissioners, council members, and executives.

WSAC provides various services to its member counties, including advocacy, training, workshops, and a forum to network and share best practices. WSAC also serves as an umbrella for affiliate organizations representing county road engineers, local public health officials, county administrators, county planners, emergency managers, county human service administrators, solid waste managers, clerks of county boards, and others.