
Who We Are

Created in 1906, the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) serves the counties of Washington State. Members include elected county commissioners, councilmembers, and executives from all of Washington’s 39 counties. WSAC provides a variety of services to its member counties, including advocacy, professional development, public-private business partnerships, and a forum to network and share best practices.

While voting within the organization is limited to county commissioners, council members, and county executives, the Association also serves as an umbrella organization for affiliate organizations representing:

  • County Road Engineers
  • Local Public Health Officials
  • County Administrators
  • Solid Waste Managers
  • County Human Service Administrators
  • Planning Directors
  • Clerks of County Boards

WSAC also works closely with its sister organization, the Washington Association of County Officials (WACO), which serves independently elected non-judicial county officials, including assessors, auditors, treasurers, prosecutors, coroners, clerks, and sheriffs.

Mission: To be a voice for Washington State’s 39 counties through advocacy, education, programs, services, and collaboration.

Vision: Healthy, safe, vibrant counties across Washington State.

Executive Committee 2024-25


Lincoln County

First Vice President

Clallam County

Second Vice President

Walla Walla County

Immediate Past President

Skagit County

Board of Directors

Board of Directors Meetings

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