This year’s County Leaders Conference is shaping up to be one of the most well-attended in our history! Not only are nearly 250 attendees registered, but there are more County Sponsors and Exhibitors than ever before! These Exhibitors and Sponsors make the conference possible by helping to support transportation, internet, giveaways, and our great evening events like TopGolf and BINGO! Be sure to stop by and thank them for their support and find out how they are able to help serve your counties beyond the conference. Please take a moment to read more about what they can do for your county at the link below, and then get your questions answered while at the Hyatt Regency Lake Washington this November 14-16! And if you’re not registered yet, be sure to do so as soon as possible. The room block closes on Friday, October 28, but most rooms are already taken!
Gold Sponsor:
Silver Sponsors:
Bronze Sponsors:
County Supporters:
- Waste Connections
- Gordon Thomas Honeywell: Government Relations
- Republic Services
- Washington Refuse & Recycling Association
- Association of Washington Cities
- Beacon Economics
- BuyBoard Corporate Purchasing
- CivicPlus
- Emergent
- Enterprise Fleet Management
- InQuick Bridging Systems
- Municipal Research and Services Center
- National Association of Counties
- Nationwide
- PaintCare
- Restorical Research
- StructureCraft
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Voluntary Stewardship Program
- Washington Association of Sheriffs & Police Chiefs
- Washington Rural Counties Insurance Program
- Washington State Department of Labor & Industries